Thursday 23 August 2012

What’s in the Monsoon bag?

Posted by FeistyCat at 03:08 0 comments

If you want a big bag, I always advise for a tote bag. It’s big, cute and durable. For monsoons, opt for water-proof bags or you may end up in getting all your things soaked.
transparent bags
Or for a statement, you can use acrylic and transparent bags, they are water-proof and cool.

So, things to keep in your bag are (in random order):
  1. Sanitizers
  2. Facial Wipes
  3. Band-Aids/Cotton
  4. Important Keys
  5. Mints (You don’t want bad breath)
  6. Wallet (To store money in it)
  7. Cell phone/Chargers/ Headphones
  8. Umbrella
  9. Makeup Bag (I always prefer a different pouch to store make-up related stuff). So the things you can keep in it are eyeliners, mascara, lip-balms/lip-gloss, safety pins, bobby pins, kohl, comb, hair elastics, Travel size face-wash, moisturizer and sunscreen, sanitary pads (to keep it handy),etc.
  10. Deodorant
  11. Pens/ Small Notepad
  12. cute make-up bag
  13. An extra pair of clothes (Optional)

So these are some important stuff you can keep in your bag.

Enjoy, but remember,

P.S: This is not done by me for any companies. Its my own stuff.

Monsoon Tips

Posted by FeistyCat at 03:04 0 comments

Some tips on caring for your skin during the rainy season:
Nycil Talc
drink water
  1. To avoid fungal infection- Bath regularly with soap, Use talcum powder after bath and maintain a good hygiene. Always try to keep your skin dry.
  2. Drink 8-10 glasses of water. It helps in flushing out toxins and it cleanses your skin pores.
  3. Clean your skin regularly. Follow it up with a toner. ALWAYS use non-alcoholic toners. And then moisturize.
  4. Exfoliate. Use scrubs to get rid of dead cells from the skin.
  5. Use sunscreen/sun-block regularly. Use a good sunscreen/sun-block with a high SPF factor.
  6. Avoid oily skin products. Opt for mousse-like products.
  7. Avoid heavy make-up since it may block pores, causing pimples or rash.
  8. Always keep your hair clean.
  9. People with sensitive skin should avoid prolonged use of artificial jewellery.
  10. eat veggies
  11. Eat plenty of fruits and add green, leafy vegetables in your diet.

Keep your skin happy in the rain but remember,

P.S: These tips are not done by me for any companies. Its my own stuff.
If I have used any of your pics, then PM me I will remove them.

Monsoon Make Up

Posted by FeistyCat at 02:59 0 comments

Monsoon has finally arrived and it is like a Savior. It saved us from the scorching summer sun and the hot winds. For those not in India, monsoon is one of our important seasons since Indian farmers are dependent on rain for their farming. Ah, but that’s all-together a different story and I am going away from the topic.
Now when rainy season is finally here, it also comes with its bad effects. For example, your hair getting dry, skin problems and blah blah blah.
ALWAYS wear waterproof makeup during rainy season otherwise you make end up looking like a drenched ghost.
So here is a list of some BASIC make-up products for monsoon
1.      Use a sweat-proof foundation to avoid the washed out look
My pick: Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse. It gives an airbrush finish and works great.
Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse

2.      If you want to lift up your mood from your gloomy looking surroundings to a happy one, then opt for some pop colored eye-shadows.
If you want to your eye-shadow color to be like your surroundings then opt for some shades of blue.
      My pick: Lakme
3.      Don’t leave your nail polish simple or chipped; use some hot hues like sunny yellow, etc.
hot hues
My pick: Lakme (I love Lakme because it suits almost everyone and I always have seen my mother having at least 5 products of Lakme)
4.      Give your eyes a dramatic look by using water-proof mascara.
My pick: L’Oreal
5.      Use eyeliner in the basic black or you can add a dash of color by using colored eyeliners.
My pick: MAC
6. Instead of using lipsticks, you can use colored lip balms as they are superrrr great.
for your lips
My pick: Lakme, Clinique, L’Oreal
6.      Stay away from powder blush as it tends to fade away. Instead use a cream blush.
My pick: Haven’t used yet, so I can’t say.
7. If you are having a party at night, you can use some eye shadow dust and you’re ready to rock on.

Use sunscreen REGULARLY, it protects your skin from the sun even during cloudy days. And don’t forget to remove make-up before sleeping.

Happy Monsoon, but remember,

P.S: This is not done by me for any companies. Its my own stuff.
If I have used any of your pics, then PM me I will remove them.


Posted by FeistyCat at 02:50 0 comments

Anne Hathaway
 Braids or many of you might call them as plaits are one the best hairstyles ever in vogue. You can braid your hair in summer or monsoon because it helps in making your hair look more elaborate. There are loads of braids to choose from- fishtail, corn-rows, milkmaids, French, etc.
Plaiting your hair during summer turns your greasy, sweaty hair into something magical. It also keeps your tresses away from your face.
Plaiting during monsoon helps in disguising your dry hair. Just grab some styling mousse and you’re set to go.
A lot of celebrities have started to spot this trend. Some go for messy, while others go for a chic one.
My favorite is a messy braid because it gives a laid-back look. 

Celeb look: I love Selena's look. She's used lip gloss for her lips and BTW she's looking really cute in yellow. She has done a messy braid and its looking super chic on her.
Selena Gomez

Go start plaiting but remember,

P.S: This blog post is not done by me for any companies. Its my own stuff.
If I have used any of your pics, then PM me I will remove them.

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