Thursday 23 August 2012

Monsoon Tips

Posted by FeistyCat at 03:04

Some tips on caring for your skin during the rainy season:
Nycil Talc
drink water
  1. To avoid fungal infection- Bath regularly with soap, Use talcum powder after bath and maintain a good hygiene. Always try to keep your skin dry.
  2. Drink 8-10 glasses of water. It helps in flushing out toxins and it cleanses your skin pores.
  3. Clean your skin regularly. Follow it up with a toner. ALWAYS use non-alcoholic toners. And then moisturize.
  4. Exfoliate. Use scrubs to get rid of dead cells from the skin.
  5. Use sunscreen/sun-block regularly. Use a good sunscreen/sun-block with a high SPF factor.
  6. Avoid oily skin products. Opt for mousse-like products.
  7. Avoid heavy make-up since it may block pores, causing pimples or rash.
  8. Always keep your hair clean.
  9. People with sensitive skin should avoid prolonged use of artificial jewellery.
  10. eat veggies
  11. Eat plenty of fruits and add green, leafy vegetables in your diet.

Keep your skin happy in the rain but remember,

P.S: These tips are not done by me for any companies. Its my own stuff.
If I have used any of your pics, then PM me I will remove them.


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